Falmouth dog park
After completing my Media Associate Internship with the park, I joined the board of trustees with the reponsibility of designing marketing materials and co-managing the social media accounts. Below is a combination of designs that I have completed while working with the park.
One of the most significant tasks that I completed during my internship was redesigning the dog park website. The previous site was cluttered with archived material, and the home page was the primary tab used for all content. The hierarchy of the navigation bar’s tabs did not organize content efficiently and the user experience on the site was confusing. I completely redesigned the site, focusing on refreshing the home page to host essential information, and rearranged the navigation bar to organize content in a way that provided a more positive user experience.
An additional duty of my role as a Media Associate was to produce marketing materials for the park. Materials included newsletters, flyers, rack cards, posters, news articles, and more.
I was tasked with designing the ten-year anniversary logo for the park. My approach was to combine the upgraded branding that I introduced during my internship with the previous logo. I utilized the new color scheme to create a fun design that featured one of the previous brand symbols.